Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


v  IP:

Please help me to pray to our LORD JESUS CHRIST to help me in my job and to let me stay here in my company pray also for my baby alex denise to give her good and strong health always and for oue children who leave in philippines I ask this in JESUS name. Amen

12/18/2005 6:05:13 PM


usa  IP:

Please pray for Adam, a young man who is currently fighting for his life. He is a victim of beatings in a road rage incident and is not expected to live. Please pray that Our Lord, Jesus touches Adam with His healing power and heals him in the name of Jesus. Hear our prayer.

12/18/2005 8:09:27 PM


Hungary  IP:

I am 37 and still single. Now Adrian would like to marry me - a wonder! But I feel he has some features I can't accept. Pls pray for discernment for me. Pls pray the One meant for me to come into my life. I've been waiting for 37 years. How do I know Adrian is the One. thank you

12/19/2005 12:48:33 AM



Dear Lord, Can you please pray for me to get a job soon. It has been since july 2004 that I have been looking for work. I always feel frustrated, depressed and unwanted. I also feel shamful relying on my parents. Please pray for me Lord. Thank you

12/19/2005 6:47:21 AM


usa  IP:

Dear Prayer Warrior, Would you please agree with me for a Job as a Dispute Resolution Specialtist at the BBB in VA. I have been out of work for 10 months however after interviewing with this company I feel real good about this company. I am requesting prayer for decent and affordable housing. also pray for andre hall, he is on crack, stealing from where he is currently residing, and smoking cigarettes in the house the owner doesn't want him there anymore but feels sorry for him, pls pray that he will find permanent housing somewhere else. Thank you for your prayers of agreement and God Bless you. Deborah

12/19/2005 9:24:56 AM

 marsha talitimu


Dear Jesus of Divine Mercy-----please have mercy on Tracey in the rehabin KC! Deliver her from all addictions and any depression. All things are possible with you ,Lord! And also lifting up Rowena, Kai, Johnny C.Ken and Jean and Casey and the kids.Thank you Lord! marsha anne

12/19/2005 9:30:29 AM


usa  IP:

Karen Ludwick was diagnosed last week with a mass pressing on her brain. Surgeons are in the process of determining the course of treatment and if surgery is an option, it would be in the next day or two. Please keep Karen and her family in your thoughts and prayers. I will update you as I know more. She has a baby about a year old. She is married.

12/19/2005 1:33:10 PM



for those who are suffering, hungry,without adequate shelter and medical assistance

12/19/2005 3:43:04 PM

 kathy k.


Pray my 19yr marriage to Kurt will be restored. He wants divorce and is being very mean. He has commited adultery and believe he is in love with the adulteress (Marty, she is also married). Our boys and I love him and have forgiven him. But he is trying to force the sale of our home, our boys want to say in until they finish school. Pray God will soften Kurts heart and return him to us. Our court date is 1/30/06, please pray this is not needed. Thank you Kathy

12/19/2005 7:15:21 PM



Please pray for Eddie S. He has a rare brain tumor and less than 3 months to live. Please pray for his miraculous recovery. I know that with steadfast love and a firm faith, through God, anything is possible. Thank you and God bless!

12/19/2005 10:36:54 PM


india  IP:

From, Rev.D.Sathyamurthy, Asian Evangelical Church, 101, Shivaganga Road, Vignesh Blood Bank Building, Madurai – 625 020. TN Email ID – Mobile : 09344854267, 09344477707 To, Dear Brother in Christ, Greetings in Jesus Name. I have been doing Lord’s ministry since 25 Years. My parents are also servants of God since 40 Years. Especially, mother has dedicated her whole life to serve the Lord and winning souls. She has been recently affected by the terrible disease of cancer. one month passed, she is given high quality medicine through the famous hospital of Appollos. Even though, she had been under medical treatment we believe on the healing power of God and His words. Many God’s children are still praying for her and she is being improved than previous days. Doctors determined her living days. But our Master and great healer touched her and we found a change in her body. As our mother is God’s servant our earnest prayer is that God should lengthen her days and she should continue her ministry powerfully in coming days. She needs more strength . we need your prayer support in such circumstance and kindly send restoring letters to us. May God bless your ministry. Thank you, Yours loving Brother, Rev.D.Sathyamurthy

12/19/2005 11:19:22 PM



Dear father in heaven, please grant me the gift of deep unshakeable faith, and the faith to move mountain in my lives that need moving. Please help me to overcome all the problems I am encounter now. God, I believe you can help me , God , Please help to start a fresh relationship with Joen, although you may not give whatever I ask, but I know you will give the best things I need. I understand that no matter what happen with my request, the benefits that comes greater involvement with you, the growth of your presence and faith in my life. I pray that you will grant my heart desire. I pray that you will with me when I am going through my coming interview, I believe this job and company is what I am seeking for long. Please grant the Holy Spirit to strengthen my confident and wisdom to speak the right words. I ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

12/20/2005 6:27:24 AM



Please pray that our other house sells soon and that my husband continues to have job security. He is fearing a layoff and without selling our other home this will be a grave financial burden. Thank you for your prayers.

12/20/2005 8:36:47 AM



Dear God, Please give my dad Steve strength as he battles lung cancer. Please allow him to be healed if it is your will. Also give my mother and me the strength to help him. Please continue to keep him pain free.

12/20/2005 9:25:06 AM


usa  IP:

Please help Jack to have a safe procedure on his veins and that it does not form a blood clot. Thank you for prayers answered.

12/20/2005 9:44:48 AM

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