Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 Amy Herrera

United States  IP:

Please pray for my family. My sons father has taken him from me and does not like it that I am raising my son Catholic. We go to court Thursday for Custody and I feel that it would be best if my son is with me. Please pray for me to get custody of my son and that I will have strength.

6/20/2006 8:08:00 AM


Germany  IP:

Thank you for your prayers, we played excellent sat. night against Italy. Your prayers inspired our team. On Thursday we play Ghana, in a must win situation. Please pray for us, for the Holy Spirit to decend upon us to muster all the strenght we have left to win against Italy, Please pray that we are victorious and that our soccer team moves on to the next round. In His Name Jesus Christ. Thank you for your prayers.

6/20/2006 8:49:28 AM


Canada  IP:

Prayers for V as she gets ready to go into labour may god protect her n allow her a safe delivery of a healthy baby; for friends n fam experiencing diffcult times may god guide them; for S may god watch over n ensure his wellbeing;for my own special intentions may god think i'm worthy n pure of heart

6/20/2006 11:26:50 AM



Lord,hear our prayers for peace & harmony in our family.Bring them back to the fold,help all financially,emotionally,physically,jobs,love,pregnancy,for a pt job,if it is Your will.Save us from a stressful problem that has developed.For the sick,deceased and all who need our prayers.

6/20/2006 8:40:25 PM



God thank you for all that you do for us! Please make Frankie well. Please bring Clem back to Kansas soon. We ask this in Jesus name Amen. We put all our faith in Jesus! Please help the peole who will help heal Frankie and who will make the decideion to let Clem come back to Ks.ThankYOUGOD!WeLOVEU!

6/20/2006 9:31:16 PM


Hungary  IP:

Dear Companions, please pray for healing of my mom SUSAN after cardiac infarction and that she endures the summer. Pls pray for a cooler summer than last year. thank you

6/20/2006 11:04:39 PM



Give me strength. Make him so miserable and unhappy. Everyday he regrets what he did and knows the huge mistake he made. She is crazy and out of control. He is miserable every day and all she does is fight with him. she is so crazy and he is so miserable. He beats himself up every day. so unhappy

6/20/2006 11:26:43 PM


canada  IP:

Please help us get a loan we need the money so badly. Without it I don't know what we'll do. Please pray for us.

6/21/2006 1:44:47 AM



Please ask God in Jesus’ name, through the intercession of the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph & all the saints to bring my husband of 40 years back home to me; end the adultery; prevent a divorce; grant a true reconciliation to live as dictated by our marriage vows. Not my will, but His will be done.

6/21/2006 2:32:03 AM


ohio. usa.  IP:

OUR BROKEN HEARTS CRIES OUT TO GOD IN THE SILENCE & AGONY OF PRAYER DAY & NIGHT FOR HIS MERCY & PEACE!! Thank you for Praying! We continue to stay at our Post! Please continue to have the WORLDWIDE COMMUNITY OF PRAYER..WWW...Keep us in Daily Prayer...2006,07,08...long term! Thank you.

6/21/2006 3:43:03 AM


usa  IP:

Please pray for our son Christian's physical healing.

6/21/2006 7:15:47 AM



Please pray with me for my husband and our family. For him to reconcile with them, let go of anger and find peace and happiness. For him to pass his exams this week and for our marriage to survive the hardships which have drained me of energy and hope. Pls pray with me for peace in all families.

6/21/2006 9:28:23 AM


peticion de oracion  IP:

pido para que Dios tenga misericordia para mi mama que los resultados que le van a dar el dia21 de junio de una bioxia que no tenga nada grabe, pido intersecion de todas las personas que puedan orar su nombre es MARIA DE JESUS SALVATIERA

6/21/2006 1:29:14 PM



Thank you for the prayers for Greg's salvation. Last night he told me that although is not "promising anything", he is willing to give Christianity a shot. Please pray God will continue to guide him as well as help me to use the words and actions that will help him find Jesus.

6/21/2006 2:07:39 PM



Please pray I will be able to pay all debts and improve my credit score. Pray I will be able to bring my mortgage payments up to date.

6/21/2006 2:15:05 PM

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