Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


India  IP:

My course is going to complete in this month, pls pray for the coming interviews, and always seek Thy every moment

6/21/2006 3:30:13 PM


Hungary  IP:

Please pray for recovery for my Mom SUSAN from cardiac Infarction and protection in this heat from second infarction. Pray the heat lessens. thank you

6/21/2006 5:35:05 PM


S'pore  IP:

Please pray for Angela. She is very hurt and confused. She needs healing of heart, mind and soul. She is angry with God and thinks God will not love her. Please pray that God will fill her life with grace, joy, love and peace. Jesus, please help her. She needs you, Lord. Mary, please pray for her.

6/21/2006 7:01:08 PM


S'pore  IP:

Please pray for me. I want to grow closer to God. I wish I could find a job where I will be at peace and have opportunity to deepen my love for God. I am confused with my direction in life, right now. Please intercede for me.

6/21/2006 7:06:50 PM



Help us dear Lord to find peace & harmony in our family.May our children return to church,grandson be baptized,daughter find true love,health,jobs,financial needs,safety & for a major problem to overcome & so we are not involved.Thank You Lord for everything in life you have given us.

6/21/2006 8:21:19 PM



I pray to find soon the partner I never had in my life. I am 42 and I have been on my own all my life. I St.Joseph and God want that Mark be that person in my life, let it manifest now. I need healing.

6/21/2006 8:31:17 PM



Thank You God for all that you do for us!Please God heal Frankie we ask in Jesus name!Please send Clem back to Ks in Sept.Please help the people who will send Clem back to Ks. We ask this all in Jesus name! We put all our faith in Jesus name. We love and Thank you Jesus! You the BEST! Thanks YOU,

6/21/2006 9:12:37 PM



Please give me strength. Make him so miserable and unhappy every single day,he regrets all he's done and realized the huge mistake he made. He will never be happy and she is totally out of control. she is crazier than we ever thought and it will only get worse. she fights all the time with him.

6/22/2006 12:30:31 AM




6/22/2006 2:00:46 AM



* I am now in my 3rd month of a 12 month liver treatment involving weekly injections & daily meds. Pray that I will not get Severe Anemia as I did last year & that there will be no bad side-effects.May my HIV & HEPATITIS C viral loads go to undetectable. Lord have mercy!

6/22/2006 2:22:05 AM



I need a home. Please let the one I'm looking at today be the answer to my prayers. Relieve me of anxiety. Also, bless P. and encourage him. Bless all who have hurt me and all who have been good to me. Please shine your light into my family's life. Please bless and protect all of the children who now walk in the shoes I walked in as a young girl alone in the city. Thank you.

6/22/2006 2:35:43 AM



For physical healing of my body that the doctors can not figure out. For emotional healing of my depression. May God have mercy on me

6/22/2006 3:56:13 AM



Lord Jesus, Please answer my prayer and I hope to get the best possible news of this current condition I have been stricken with. Jesus I ask you for your healing power and although it would take a miracle, and believe you will help me. Thank you Jesus

6/22/2006 5:04:46 AM


canada  IP:

Thank-you for your prayers! Pray that we have a safe and happy summer.

6/22/2006 5:05:01 AM



Please pray for my finances, I am in debt and unable to pay my mortgage and bills, I am depressed. I am also unable to buy needed glasses. Thank you.

6/22/2006 7:04:48 AM

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