Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



Especially through the intercession of St. Dymphna and St. Rita I ask all to pray for the healing of my wife's personality disorder which she is in denial of. It has shattered our marriage and damaged our family. We have nine children. This tragedy is somehow diabolically influenced. Ora pro nobis.

6/23/2006 5:48:24 PM

 ralph CASIDA-pentagon

Phils.  IP:

LORDGOD here im agen lord, accdg. to PRC-BON the release of the RESULT of the Nurse LIC. EXAM IS THIS COMING jULY 2, 2006...lordGOD U KNOW how important to me this exam this is for my family anD to my late dad, i offer my suc. to them. LORD PLS. HELP ME FOR THE GOOD RESULT amen!!! TNX AND GOOD SPEED

6/23/2006 7:29:09 PM



Thank You GOD for all that you do for US! Please heal Frankie. Thank you Jesus, we put all our faith in you Jesus! Thank You God for Clems' return to Ks in Oct. Please keep him safe.Thank you Jesus for all you do for us all! We love you Jesus! I can not express in words how hum you mean to us! Thanks

6/23/2006 7:31:29 PM


Hungary  IP:

I've lost my job NOW. Please pray for a job up to my qualifications (despite the massive dismissals in our country.) and also jobs for the others sacked. thank you

6/24/2006 12:59:09 AM



Please give me strength. Make him so miserable and unhappy at home with her. she drives him crazy and he cannot stand her even hating her. she makes him sick. he can't even stand talking to her. he regrets every day his decision and realizes the huge mistake he has made. she fights constantly.

6/24/2006 1:15:14 AM


New Zealand  IP:

Please Lord protect this Child in my womb that it may one day serve you with love and obedience. Thank you Lord for Anna she is truly the most beautiful gift may she stay steadfast in faith all of her life. Lord please guide, protect and comfort Laurie and her family especially Jeff let him not cause anymore pain to his family. I also ask for a complete healing for Noah Laurie and Isabel. Dear Lord I know you can do anything may your will be done with James and Loreen. If it your will that they marry may their parents come to accept this relationship and provide support and accept James into the family. Help both Loreen and James to trust in Your Mercy. Merciful Lord I pray for my family. Please stop the arguing. May there be peace in our household especially between Erin and Mum. Lord Grant us the grace to forgive one another. Please bring my entire family back to your communion table. Lord please help me to pray more often. Bring me closer to you and set me on fire. Help me to stop being lukewarm Lord I plead so much for a closer relationship.

6/24/2006 1:14:33 PM



Please pray for my son who is addicted to drugs. Help him to fight the urge to continue his drug use and find purpose in his life. Fill him with the Holy Spirit and feel the love that his family has for him. Help him to find his way back to God and his family.

6/24/2006 1:30:44 PM


United States  IP:

Please pray for a woman named Pam. She can be mean and spiteful. Pray that she will grow to be kind and more understanding. Thank you and God Bless.

6/24/2006 2:03:26 PM

 Tojo Tom

india  IP:

i have too many financial problems that i couldnt help my sister to get married she is becoming over father is going to face sentence of mother is living one brother is mentally retarded and the other jobless.i have a military job of less salary.i pray to almighty to solve

6/24/2006 2:26:58 PM

 Maria Hernandez


Please pray for my health as I will have surgery June 27. Please pray for my recovery. Thanks. Maria

6/24/2006 2:30:29 PM


Italia  IP:

Pace e bene chiedo preghiere affinchè la mia causa di lavoro si risolva positivamente e possa ritornare a lavorare

6/24/2006 4:11:50 PM




6/24/2006 6:17:19 PM



Pray for the soul of Carol who will be buried today.For family needs financially,physically,emotionally,love,return to church,baptism,success and for a special intention deep within that we need Your help,dear Jesus of Mercy. Protect us please.I love you and believe in You.

6/24/2006 8:23:33 PM


Canada  IP:

Prayers for myself as i embark on a long drive may god keep me safe from hard n allow me to make this journey in good health n mind. May he ensure things go well n alleviate my fears; for friend n fam in difficult times may he be with them; for S may he open his heart when he see me n be civil. Amen

6/24/2006 9:24:26 PM


Phils.  IP:

LordGod. . . PLS. HELP ME for the good result/suc. of my NURSING LIC. EXAMINATION,LOrdGOD PLS. HELP ME TO BECOME A REGISTERED NURSE....all of these in jesus name...AMEN...

6/24/2006 10:55:19 PM

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