Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


philippines  IP:

Lord, calm the storms of my life: my family financial crisis due to my business bankruptcy, my right eye sudden blindness and my heavy debt burdens. I ask this In Jesus Name, thru the intercession of MaMa Mary,Holy Spirit, all the angels and saints. Amen

6/25/2006 2:45:20 AM



Please pray with us for my Godfather who starts treatment next week to get rid of a cncerous tumor in his lungs.

6/25/2006 2:45:45 AM



Please pray for my brother, Giovanni. He has a brain tumour, which is causing him excruciating pain for the last 6 months. He does not want help from his family and has grown apart. He is alone and in pain. I am helpless and can only give him help through prayer. He was about to graduate from university and now he is alone and feels as if he has no future. Please may your prayers help him see that God hasn't abandoned him and that all will be well. Both my parents have become ill because of the situation and no longer sleep nor have any joy. I have a small child (3 mths) who gives me the strength to go on, but I feel as if I am neglecting him because of the pain and tears I feel for my brother. There are also bad financial problems in our family. My husband has taken them all on (he supports our own family, my parents and my brother basically) and is under extreme pressure. I would like only to have my brother's health, peace of mind and faith in his family's love restored, because I know that the rest can be solved. Please pray for him

6/25/2006 3:19:50 AM


Cainta, Rizal-Philippines  IP:

LordGod, me for the suc./Good result of my Nursing Lic.exam,Lord this week is the schedule of the release of the result LORDGOD pls. lend me ur hands,help me for the succeess all of these I offer this to my FAMILY,relatives,& 2 my late dad,LORD PLS. HELP ME Thank You po!!! MARAMING SALAMAT..

6/25/2006 9:15:06 PM


usa  IP:

please God help me to see your purpose for me, bless my friends and family

6/25/2006 9:38:40 PM


switzerland  IP:

Dear prayer warriors, I would be grateful i you could keep me and my family in your daily prayers. We suffer from witch craft attacks from a person i know.I encounter all kinds of trouble by this in my daily life,since a lil over 2 years.This witchcraft sometimes does that people get very distant ,even family members.I (we) encounter headaches ,and opression, anxiousness,and so many other evil things.I pray alot for that this person looses interest.i get spells on me almost every day,and once a year around my birthday i get a serious curse on me or enchantement i dont know how to call it as english is not my mother tongue.I recently found out about prayer request on the internet,and learned that if several persons agree on what is asked it can be granted. I have a hard time to get things done in my life due to those attacks.Please also pray that my trust in jesus increases,and that my own being discreases,and that my kids and my fiancé and my father manfred which are still to much into this world and far away from god, will be close to jesus,and get the grace to not loose the interest on jesus,and that they want to know more and more about him.amen. God bless you! Nathalie

6/25/2006 11:20:02 PM



For the guidance of the Holy Spirit on the decision that my son AAron will be able to return to Aquinas HS for his Senior Year. He would be devasted and so would we be.

6/26/2006 12:52:17 AM

 sandra kendall

Baltimore  IP:

PLease pray for me, I have been diagnoised with Myelodysplastic Leukimeia.

6/26/2006 9:40:20 AM


usa  IP:

Please pray for Brandon. He's a 9 year old boy with viral meningitis. His parents are in dispair. Please pray for this beautiful family and the full recovery of their son. Thank you and God Bless All.

6/26/2006 11:21:43 AM


usa  IP:

Please pray for John's aunt who is very sick and weak. My sis's husband isn't nice, my family, and they find good spouses, i have a pure heart and a glorious death. May God bless you, Diane

6/26/2006 2:05:14 PM


Philippines  IP:

I earnestly ask for your prayers for the reconcilliation of my family... please pray also for my wife, for God to soften her rebellious heart... and that she may come to realize that it is only in the total submission and obedience to God's commandments can we have true peace and joy in life. thank u

6/26/2006 4:42:49 PM



TO have GOOD SUPERIORS Who are caring and understanding .Also for better CAREER PROSPECTUS WITH MONETORY BENEFIT.Good health and peace of mind in the family

6/26/2006 5:27:10 PM


usa  IP:

please pray for shanon marie barger - ahn & that she is able to conceive a beautiful baby sometime in the near future. she is so dear & sweet and so deserves to give all the love inside her to a sweet child. she will be wonderful mother and so deserves to have children soon

6/26/2006 5:29:51 PM



I interviewed for an Administraive Assistant on 6/23/06 at a music school. I ask for prayers that the interview was successful and that I will obtain the job. Thank you for your prayers.

6/26/2006 11:32:41 PM



Give me strength make him so miserable and unhappy that he does not know what to do anymore she makes him miserable and she is so out of control and crazy he hates her and is miserable in his own home all she does is fuss and fight with him they dont have anything in common he is stuck and loves me

6/26/2006 11:44:26 PM

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