Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2006

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 kathy clark

Belize, Central America  IP:

For the priests of San Pedro Church.

1/7/2006 7:18:12 AM


U.K.  IP:

Mary, Holy Mother, please watch over our Mums. Please pray that mine will soon recover from the kidney failure and dehydration. Also for our friend and her dear Mum's ill health and her family problems.

1/7/2006 12:02:38 PM


usa  IP:

I pray for my ex boyfriend and I to get back together, and for us to continue to have a loving and healthy relationship. Thank you for hearing my prayers, and interceding on my behalf. I will forever be devoted, and I promise to publish and circulate your prayers and my thanks.

1/7/2006 12:15:16 PM



Please pray that my application for disability be approved quickly so we don't lose our house...thank you Lord for many blessings, I beg that you grant this one more!

1/7/2006 2:27:24 PM


usa  IP:

Dear Lord, I am umemployed and have been seeking a job. I have responded to many job request but to no avail. Please give me the wisdom and guidance in selecting the right job. Please prayer that the reviewer accept my application. My finances are many and unbearable. In Jesus Name

1/7/2006 11:23:33 PM


Singapore  IP:

Please pray for our Parish Assembly at St Mary's Of The Angles in Singapore which will be held on the 10-January-2006 to be a successful one, Please pray also for God's Blessing on all who seek Gods' Love and for the whole world to burn with Love for Jesus and his Holy Mother Mary and Ours..

1/7/2006 11:26:44 PM



please hear my prayer help our family

1/8/2006 3:51:26 AM

 Shari Anderson


Please pray for surviving West Viginia miner Randy McCloy and his family for healing and a miracle. Also pray for the deceased miner's families. Thank you.

1/8/2006 11:42:07 AM


North America  IP:

Please pray James and Matthew receive the grace to embrace the Catholic faith. Thank you.

1/8/2006 2:19:49 PM

 Ken Burnham


Please pray for our son Michael as he is going through some adjustments after graduation from college.

1/8/2006 4:41:58 PM


Philippines  IP:

Please join my family in our fervent prayer that God will heal my nephew Andrei from his illness. He is sufferring from multiple bleeding in his brain. We pray that he will be miraculously healed. We love him dearly

1/8/2006 4:55:38 PM


usa  IP:

Please pray for Liz's safety, and the successful reconsiliation of her marriage. I also pray for her 8 year old son to have stability in his life. For her mental health and her husband's also. Thank you

1/8/2006 5:01:31 PM


usa  IP:

I ask in Jesus' name for a good job for my husband.

1/8/2006 6:40:31 PM



Pray for our children to return to church, for their health, happiness, jobs, financial needs, love and marriage. Special prayers so a bill that should arrive soon is correct and we can pay it off without any problems. For my husband & myself and for employment part-time for me.

1/8/2006 6:55:39 PM


usa  IP:

I pray for my ex boyfriend and I to get back together, and for us to continue to have a loving and healthy relationship. Thank you for hearing my prayers, and for interceding on my behalf. I will forever be devoted and grateful. I promise to publish and circulate prayers and my thanks.

1/8/2006 9:14:39 PM

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