tears of Our Lady
Our Blessed Mother Mary is the most sensitive of
all human beings. She experienced sorrow and shed many tears imploring
God for the coming of Our Savior into the world.
See this revelation of Our Lady to Luisa Picarreta, in
The Kingdom of the Divine
Will Day 8 of 31 Meditations for
the month of May.
(Now, my dearest child, my little Heart felt consumed with love at the
loving ways of the divine speaking; and with all my love I accepted
Their mandate, saying to Them: “Highest Majesty, I am here in your
arms; dispose of Me in whatever way You want. I will lay down even my
life – and if I had as many lives for as many as are the creatures, I
would put them at their disposal and Yours, to bring them, all safe,
into your paternal arms.” And without knowing then that I was to be the
Mother of the Divine Word, I felt in Me the double Maternity: Maternity
toward God, to defend His just rights; Maternity toward creatures, to
bring them to safety. I felt Myself Mother of all. The Divine Will
which reigned in Me, and which knows not how to do isolated works,
brought God and all creatures from all centuries into Me. In my
maternal Heart I felt my God offended, wanting to be satisfied, and I
felt the creatures under the empire of Divine Justice.
Oh! how many
tears I shed. I wanted to make my tears descend into each heart, to let
everyone feel my Maternity, all of love. I cried for you and for all,
my child. Therefore, listen to Me – have pity on my crying.
Take my
tears in order to extinguish your passions, and to make your will lose
life. O please! accept my mandate – that you do always the Will of your
Being spotless and
immaculate, her tears softened the heart of God and the moment arrived
for the Incarnation of the Word.
The Word of God became flesh by taking blood and substance from the
virginal flesh of Mary, after the Angel Gabriel announced her about the
Incarnation and She pronounced her Fiat. Let it be done to me, according
to His Word.
As the Mother of God, bound to the Divine Will, the Blessed Virgin Mary shared the joys of
God but also His sorrows and tears. From the moment of the Incarnation,
Our Lord, even in the womb of Our Lady was suffering for all humanity,
begetting us with the pain of labor in his heart. Our Lady partook of
all the sorrows of Our Lord by a special grace. Her heart and soul were
united to the heart and soul of Jesus Our Blessed Savior, so there was
no suffering of Jesus that was not replicated in her heart and soul,
accompanied by holy tears.
We must also honor her in her tears of Joy, for having tasted Heaven
here on earth by being so close to Jesus. She began to shed tears of
sorrow at the Prophecy of Simeon, and a sword of sorrow pierced her
She was forced with Saint Joseph to take baby Jesus to Egypt, so she
fled in exile shedding many tears seeing how her innocent son's life was
already threatened, then she shed many tears of sorrow at the killing of
many children on account of the persecution by Herod.
Jesus was twelve years old when She lost Him in Jerusalem, then she
found Him three days later in the temple, many were her motherly tears
for the One She loved so dearly.
She shed tears seeing Jesus, God and man rejected by the Jews.
She lived the whole passion, agony and death of Our Lord in Her heart
and soul, She was aware of all the insults, blows, buffets, kicks, the
pulling of his hair and beard, the way the spat upon his face, the way
they bound, him, scourged him, crowned Him with thorns, mocked him, made
Him carry the heavy cross, pushed Him, then stripped Him of His garments
with such cruelty, and then they crucified Him and left him to die on
the cross. She was there suffering the pain of the agony of Our Lord and
Hers. After the Lord died she felt in her heart that lanced that pierced
his heart, She suffered when she received His lifeless body in her arms,
and then she was in agony all that time, as he was taken to the tomb up
to the moment of His resurrection. Her sufferings were continuous until
the Joy of the Resurrection of Jesus.
The life and death of Jesus was a sea of tears for Our Blessed Mother,
She suffered as the Queen of martyrs. So we can say that after the
Precious Blood of Jesus, her tears have great value before God. Let us
remember here that Our Lady, giving life to her Son by the Power of the
Holy Spirit, supplied Jesus with His Precious Blood, the Blood that
saves us.
Being children of God and children of Mary begotten at the foot of the
cross in the highest peak of pain of Our Blessed Mother, She is very
sensitive about our lives too. She sheds tears of pain when we offend
God. She is continually crying for all the babies being aborted
throughout the world daily.
On account of these holy tears of Our Blessed
Mother Mary, we honor God greatly when we remember and pray honoring her
Devotion to the tears of Our Lady
Reality of Hell, Heaven, Purgatory. Life, death
and the last things